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NCSB Relationship Specialist Linda Rufa: A History of Giving Back

Linda on Phone

Posted Date: 05 Jun 2024

Neighbor News

NCSB Relationship Specialist Linda Rufa: A History of Giving Back

NCSB Relationship Specialist Linda Rufa has a long history with the Massena American Legion Post 79. She has vague memories from her childhood of pool tables and shuffleboards, back when her father, a World War II veteran, served as the Post Commander. Years later—in 2009—Linda herself joined the auxiliary and began working as a bartender. Over that time she says the Legion has become like a very close family to her. Legion members are either military veterans or family members of those who served. They often find common ground in their shared service and in helping the community, whether it be fundraising or simply having a conversation with a fellow member.

“Bartending at the American Legion is very rewarding,” Rufa said, “because I get to interact with so many military veterans and their families. I listen to stories from their time in the military and about their families and careers they came back to. Sometimes someone will need extra assistance due to medical or economic difficulties. Through my networking at the Legion, I'm able to find the right person or program that can help their situation."

Newly elected for the 4th year as President of of the Auxiliary unit 79, Rufa is also in charge of leading four fundraisers each year. During Christmas, they purchase and hand out gifts to less fortunate children. Most recently she led a team of ten others in organizing a pig roast fundraiser to benefit the Massena Concert Series. Her and her team were responsible for hiring the Roast Master, promoting and organizing the day’s event, and helping to serve over one hundred meals, ultimately raising more than a thousand dollars.

“This year we heard the Massena Concert Series was really struggling for donations, so we wanted to step up.” The concert series features local musicians on Thursday nights throughout June and July at Springs Park.  

When not working at the Legion in her spare time, you’ll find Linda Rufa helping people in a different way—not in person, but through the phone. As a Relationship Specialist at North Country Savings Bank, Rufa says the outlook is the same as when she’s working at the Legion. She simply enjoys helping people. Her role is to problem solve for customers, whether it be resetting login information or helping with any banking needs. She sees herself as a liaison between the physical branches and the public. And after working at North Country Savings Bank for over a year, it’s possible she’s found another organization she can consider family. “I love the relaxed atmosphere and my coworkers too.”

The Massena American Legion Post 79 is open to the public and welcomes the community to come out to their Wednesday Wing nights, Thursday Queen of Hearts raffle, and Friday night social.

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