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Travel Notifications


Protect your Money on Vacation

Please notify North Country Savings Bank of any travel plans prior to your departure. Since transactions outside of your normal purchase habits are more likely to result in your card being blocked, this will prevent your MasterMoney Debit Card from being blocked by our fraud management services. We recommend bringing an alternate form of payment (checks, traveler's checks or credit) in the event that your debit card is compromised.

To notify us of your travel plans please call us at 315-386-4533 or send us a message using EagleNET Online banking.

Why Does North Country Savings Bank Freeze your Card?

Due to recent fraud trends we closely monitor our customers' purchases for anything that seems out of the ordinary. This is to protect our customers from becoming victims of identity theft. Learn more about our fraud text alerts.

The following transactions could be deemed as suspicious activity and cause your account to be frozen:

  • Transactions from all countries outside of the United States and Canada*
  • Internet transactions over $100 for countries outside of the United States and Canada*
  • Purchase from merchants deemed risky due to recent fraud trends
  • Contactless transaction at a terminal

*If you plan on traveling or making Internet and phone purchases over $100 outside of the United States or Canada please notify us to exempt you from this block.

Girl with Sunglasses and Hat

4 Summer Vacation Saving Tips

If you've got summer vacation planning on the brain, have you started to factor in the financial side of things?

Sunglasses on beach in summer

6 Summer Savings Tips & Tricks to Make the Most of the Season

Summer is fast approaching – a carefree season filled with cookouts, vacations, and outdoor fun. While the long, sunny days put us all at ease, increased seasonal spending can lead to undue stress. Summer doesn't need to be expensive to be fun, though!

beach chairs by the ocean during spring break

How to Save Money Before & During Your Spring Break Trip

Ah, Spring Break. The phrase brings to mind thoughts of the beach, late nights, friends, and way too much sun exposure! The winters are long and cold in Upstate NY.

Piggy Banks

Say “No” to Out of Control Summer Spending

Summer is traditionally a time to let loose and enjoy carefree evenings and fun-filled weekends. Unfortunately, the nicer weather can be hard on finances. Between family vacations and weekly fun, summer expenses tend to add up quickly and create a dent in your hard-earned savings.

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Say “No” to Out of Control Summer Spending

Summer is traditionally a time to let loose and enjoy carefree evenings and fun-filled weekends. Unfortunately, the nicer weather can be hard on finances. Between family vacations and weekly fun, summer expenses tend to add up quickly and create a dent in your hard-earned savings.

beach chairs by the ocean during spring break

Vacation Planning on a Budget

The winter doldrums are upon us – and while spring’s arrival is hard to envision amidst all the snow and ice, many are already beginning to fantasize about warm weather escapes and spring vacations.