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Emily Moore: Loan Originator in Plattsburgh

Emily Moore – Loan Originator at NCSB
Neighbor News

Emily Moore: Loan Originator in Plattsburgh

It is telling that one of the first things North Country Savings Bank loan originator Emily Moore wants you to know about her is that she started working at age 14–beginning as a dishwasher at McLean’s Restaurant in Keeseville–while also putting in long hours as a volunteer alongside her parents at the Elks Club. She kept working, happily, all through college, often more than one job at once. This tireless work ethic is evident in her high level of performance at the bank’s branch in Plattsburgh, and it also ripples beyond into the community.

“My biggest drive and focus are networking with the realtors and community members and making myself an asset to the community,” says Moore, who has worked at the bank’s Plattsburgh loan office since 2020.

By the list of groups and activities she is involved in, it seems safe to say she is on target with those objectives.

Since she began working for North Country Savings Bank, she has joined the Clinton County and the Southern Adirondack Tier Realtors Associations. She is also a member of the Adirondack Young Professionals Group.

If that’s not enough, as a volunteer with Franklin County’s Joint Council for Economic Opportunity, she regularly picks up and delivers food to local elementary schools to distribute to children in need. Known as “the backpack program,” it provides free, healthy food items for breakfast, lunch and dinner to about 200 area children. On Saturdays during soccer season, she volunteers through the YMCA as a coach for her son’s team.

A North Country native, Moore’s professional drive and her commitment to serving the community make working at North Country Savings Bank a strong fit for her.

“We’re a smaller bank in the North Country, so we focus more on the community members versus bigger lenders and dot-com lenders, who are treating the applicants as numbers,” says Moore.

Most of Moore’s bank loan customers are first-time home buyers navigating the complex process of applying for a mortgage and getting approved.

“It’s important to me to get people through the loan process as easily as possible. There are a lot of things that go on behind the scene,” says Moore.

“My biggest thing that I try to do for my customers is communicate with them, every step of the way. I try to make sure they know what’s going on.”

“It’s really rewarding for me to make things happen and get people into their homes.

When she is out of work, she keeps busy raising two sons, ages three and 12 years, with her husband. When time permits, they enjoy hiking as a family and try to scale Catamount Mountain at least once a year.

For Emily Moore the lines that delineate work, family, community, giving, achieving are not sharp dividers. They are interlaced and weave for her a life trajectory that is always taking her to new heights, on the job, with her family and in the community. We are proud to have her as a part of the loan team at North Country Savings Bank

Posted Date: 21 Nov 2022

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