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Financial Tips


Financial Tips

Typing on keyboard with credit card in hand

What You Need to Know About Fraud

Fraud can happen to anyone. From credit card fraud and elder fraud to identity theft and fake check scams, there are a multitude of ways your personal information can be compromised.

Facebook identity theft

How to Protect Yourself from Facebook Cybercrime

Identity theft has become increasingly common as more personal information is available online than ever before. Today there are more than one billion active Facebook users across the globe sharing personal details of their life with friends and family.

Cartoon of man under online attack

How to Prevent Online Fraud

The ability to conduct business, make purchases and bank online has simplified lives. Unfortunately, this means users are required to enter personal and private information that hackers could possibly access.

Person in need of help with refinancing their home

4 Tips for Refinancing

With refinancing applications on the rise, the amount of closing time lenders are requesting from borrowers has extended beyond the commonplace 30-day period, sometimes to 45 or even 60 days. Staying on top of your refinancing paperwork is more important than ever.

Refinancing Your Home Mortgage: Are You a Good Risk?

So you’re thinking about refinancing your home mortgage – but before you start the application process ask yourself, are you ready?

Is a Mortgage Refinance Right for You?

Save yourself the regret of buying too early with these basic steps.

Mortgage 101

Buying a home is a big decision and a big commitment. Even with first time home buyer programs, there is still a lot to learn about home mortgages. By getting the facts about your credit and purchasing capabilities, you can make the best home buying decision for you.

Piggy bank wrapped in a bow

Give Yourself the Gift of Better Credit

It doesn't come wrapped in paper and bows. You won't find it in a stocking or under a tree. One of the best gifts you can give yourself this holiday season is the gift of a better credit score!

Is Your Credit Ready for a Mortgage?

If you've recently decided to take the plunge into homeownership, you might be wondering where to start the process, especially if you are a first-time homebuyer. Step one is to ensure you are financially ready to take on a mortgage.

credit score

4 Common Credit Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

Your credit score and your credit report have major implications on your ability to buy a home or land your dream job. Unfortunately, there are some credit myths you may have heard that could be negatively impacting your credit.

Young boy talking on phone with bar graphs in background

Need to Know Money Basics

April is Financial Literacy Month, and whether you’re just starting out on your own financially, or you could use a refresher of what sound money management practices are, it’s always beneficial to learn or better understand key money concepts to ensure you’re forming or practicing sound financia

Using Personal Loans for Credit Card Debt

Credit card debt is widespread among the average American household and finding ways to consolidate it usually means tapping into the equity in your home or seeking a personal loan to service the credit card payments.