NCSB Rewards Checking Account Disclosures
May 13, 2024
The New York State Department of Financial Services requires us to disclose our check payment policy in order to
better help you avoid the consequences of unintentionally writing a check against insufficient funds. It is our policy that
checks drawn against your account are paid daily in order of lowest dollar amount to highest. We feel that this procedure
represents the fairest method to handle payments drawn against your account while controlling the level of fees
assessed. In rare instances, due to the way transactions clear your account, the timing may result in extra overdraft
fees. We will only assess an insufficient funds fee on checks or debits (i.e. ACH payments/external withdrawals, POS
withdrawals, EFT withdrawals, etc.) when there are not sufficient funds in the account, but we decide to pay the item
anyway. You will not receive an insufficient funds fee on checks or debits that are submitted or resubmitted for payment
if we refuse the item. If you feel this has occurred on your account in error, please contact our Customer Service staff.
Withdrawals shall be deemed to be made when recorded on the books of North Country Savings Bank. This is not
necessarily the date that the account holder initiated the transaction.
North Country Savings Bank provides a discretionary Overdraft Privilege Service for our customers whereby we may
pay your non-sufficient funds electronic items or checks rather than reject them or return them to the payee. We are
not obligated to pay any item initiated for payment against your account if your account does not contain sufficient
collected funds. If your “eligible” account type has been open for at least thirty (30) days and thereafter you maintain
your account in good standing, we will consider approving your reasonable overdrafts up to your assigned Overdraft
Privilege Service limit, including our fees. The Overdraft Privilege Service applies to a variety of transactions, including
checks and other transactions made using your checking account number, automatic bill payments, ATM transactions
and everyday debit card transactions; however, we will not include ATM and everyday debit card transactions within
our Overdraft Privilege Service without first receiving your affirmative consent to do so. Absent your affirmative consent,
ATM and everyday debit card transactions generally will not be paid under the Overdraft Privilege Service. You may
opt-out of this service at any time. You may also revoke your affirmative consent to have ATM and everyday debit card
transactions considered for payment under the Overdraft Privilege Service without removing other items from the
service. In addition to our Overdraft Privilege Service, Overdraft Protection from other NCSB accounts is available.
You may also apply for an Overdraft Line-of-Credit, with approval subject to our normal underwriting policies. If at any
time you require assistance in reconciling your account you may contact a customer service representative at one of
our convenient branch locations.
Description: NCSB CashBack Rewards Checking is a no minimum balance non-interest bearing checking account
with no monthly service charges and unlimited check writing authority. No minimum balance does not apply to account
opening balance. This account is not to be used for commercial purposes and there is a limit of 2 accounts per social
security number. You may attach NCSB Rewards Savings account to your CashBack Rewards Checking account.
Contact North Country Savings Bank for further details.
CashBack Qualification and Fee Refund Information: This is a non-interest bearing checking account. Customers
will receive 2% cash back, up to $6.00 on debit card purchases up to $300.00 per cycle and an unlimited number of
ATM Fee refunds, by performing/maintaining the following within each monthly qualification cycle* If the account is
closed mid cycle, you will forfit your cashback rewards:
1. Have at least 10 debit card purchases post and clear per qualification cycle. ATM processed transactions do
not count towards qualifying debit card transactions.
2. Have at least one ACH External Deposit (direct deposit) or ACH External Withdrawal (payment) post and
clear per qualification cycle
3. Enroll and receive Electronic Statements (EagleNET enrollment is required)
If you do not meet the qualifications during a monthly qualification cycle*, you will not receive ATM refunds for that time
Limitations: A minimum balance of $25 is required to open this account. Available for personal accounts only.
Accounts with balances below $0.01 for 90 days will be closed.
* A monthly qualification cycle starts at the beginning of a new statement cycle and ends with the statement cycle
cut-off date. (In a typical month, the qualification cycle will begin on the 6th of the month and end on the 5th of the
following month. Subject to change due to weekends and holidays, in which the qualification cycle shifts to the
business day before the weekend or holiday.)
**Please review our Fee Schedule provided with this disclosure for the fees that can be associated with this account. **
This is an interest bearing account with ATM access. This account is linked with NCSB CashBack Rewards Checking
and is not available as a standalone product. If the linked checking account is closed, the Rewards Savings Account
will be converted to our Statement Savings account.
Rate Information: This account is an interest bearing account. At our discretion, we may change the interest rate on
the account quarterly.
Qualifying accounts will earn the interest rate and Annual Percentage Yield in effect on the Rate Chart. Please refer to
the NCSB Cashback Rewards Checking disclosure for qualifying details. Non-qualifying accounts will still function as
an interest bearing savings account earning a lower rate. The interest rate and annual percentage yield will depend
upon the daily balance in the account as shown on the Rate Chart provided with this disclosure. Interest begins to
accrue on the business day you deposit non-cash items (for example, checks). Interest will be compounded daily and
will be credited to the account monthly.
Balance Information: We use the daily balance method to calculate interest on the account. This method applies a
daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day.
Limitations: You must deposit $50 to open this account. Additional deposits may be made at any time. Accounts
with balances below $0.01 for 90 days will be closed.
**Please review our Fee Schedule provided with this disclosure for the fees that can be associated with this account. **
May 13, 2024
The New York State Department of Financial Services requires us to disclose our check payment policy in order to
better help you avoid the consequences of unintentionally writing a check against insufficient funds. It is our policy that
checks drawn against your account are paid daily in order of lowest dollar amount to highest. We feel that this procedure
represents the fairest method to handle payments drawn against your account while controlling the level of fees
assessed. In rare instances, due to the way transactions clear your account, the timing may result in extra overdraft
fees. We will only assess an insufficient funds fee on checks or debits (i.e. ACH payments/external withdrawals, POS
withdrawals, EFT withdrawals, etc.) when there are not sufficient funds in the account, but we decide to pay the item
anyway. You will not receive an insufficient funds fee on checks or debits that are submitted or resubmitted for payment
if we refuse the item. If you feel this has occurred on your account in error, please contact our Customer Service staff.
Withdrawals shall be deemed to be made when recorded on the books of North Country Savings Bank. This is not
necessarily the date that the account holder initiated the transaction.
North Country Savings Bank provides a discretionary Overdraft Privilege Service for our customers whereby we may
pay your non-sufficient funds electronic items or checks rather than reject them or return them to the payee. We are
not obligated to pay any item initiated for payment against your account if your account does not contain sufficient
collected funds. If your “eligible” account type has been open for at least thirty (30) days and thereafter you maintain
your account in good standing, we will consider approving your reasonable overdrafts up to your assigned Overdraft
Privilege Service limit, including our fees. The Overdraft Privilege Service applies to a variety of transactions, including
checks and other transactions made using your checking account number, automatic bill payments, ATM transactions
and everyday debit card transactions; however, we will not include ATM and everyday debit card transactions within
our Overdraft Privilege Service without first receiving your affirmative consent to do so. Absent your affirmative consent,
ATM and everyday debit card transactions generally will not be paid under the Overdraft Privilege Service. You may
opt-out of this service at any time. You may also revoke your affirmative consent to have ATM and everyday debit card
transactions considered for payment under the Overdraft Privilege Service without removing other items from the
service. In addition to our Overdraft Privilege Service, Overdraft Protection from other NCSB accounts is available.
You may also apply for an Overdraft Line-of-Credit, with approval subject to our normal underwriting policies. If at any
time you require assistance in reconciling your account you may contact a customer service representative at one of
our convenient branch locations.
Description: NCSB Premium Rewards Checking is a no minimum balance interest bearing checking account with no
monthly service charges and unlimited check writing authority. No minimum balance does not apply to account opening
balance. This account is not to be used for commercial purposes and there is a limit of 2 accounts per social security
number. You may attach NCSB Rewards Savings account to your CashBack Rewards Checking account. Contact
North Country Savings Bank for further details.
Rate and Fee Refund Information: This Account is an interest bearing account. Customers may receive a high
Annual Percentage Yield and an unlimited number of ATM Fee refunds nationwide, by performing/maintaining the
following within each monthly qualification cycle*:
1. Have at least 10 debit card purchases post and clear per qualification cycle. ATM processed transactions do
not count towards qualifying debit card transactions.
2. Have at least one ACH External Deposit (direct deposit) or ACH External Withdrawal (payment) post and
clear per qualification cycle
3. Enroll and receive Electronic Statements (EagleNET enrollment is required)
For each monthly qualification cycle* where the above listed criteria are met, a high Interest Rate and Annual
Percentage Yield (APY) will be paid on Tier 1 balances and a separate rate will be paid on the portion of the account
balance in Tier 2. The interest rate and annual percentage yield will depend upon the daily balance in the account as
shown on the Rate Sheet provided with this disclosure. Interest begins to accrue on the business day you deposit
noncash items (for example, checks). Interest will be compounded daily and will be credited to the account monthly.
Base Interest Rate and APY: If you do not meet the qualifications during a monthly qualification cycle*, your account
will still function as an interest bearing checking account earning a lower rate shown on the Rate Sheet provided with
this disclosure. You will not receive ATM refunds for that time period.
At our discretion, we may change the interest rate on the account quarterly.
Balance Information: We use the daily balance method to calculate interest on this account. This method applies a
daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day.
Limitations: A minimum balance of $25 is required to open this account. Available for personal accounts only.
Accounts with balances below $0.01 for 90 days will be closed.
* A monthly qualification cycle starts at the beginning of a new statement cycle and ends with the statement cycle
cut-off date. (In a typical month, the qualification cycle will begin on the 6th of the month and end on the 5th of the
following month. Subject to change due to weekends and holidays, in which the qualification cycle shifts to the
business day before the weekend or holiday.)
**Please review our Fee Schedule provided with this disclosure for the fees that can be associated with this account. **
This is an interest bearing account with ATM access. This account is linked to NCSB Premium Rewards Checking
and is not available as a standalone product. If the linked checking account is closed, the Rewards Savings Account
will be converted to our Statement Savings account.
Rate Information: This account is an interest bearing account. At our discretion, we may change the interest rate on
the account quarterly.
Qualifying accounts will earn the interest rate and Annual Percentage Yield in effect on the Rate Chart. Please refer to
the NCSB Premium Rewards Checking disclosure for qualifying details. Non-qualifying accounts will still function as an
interest bearing savings account earning a lower rate. The interest rate and annual percentage yield will depend upon
the daily balance in the account as shown on the Rate Chart provided with this disclosure. Interest begins to accrue on
the business day you deposit non-cash items (for example, checks). Interest will be compounded daily and will be
credited to the account monthly.
Balance Information: We use the daily balance method to calculate interest on the account. This method applies a
daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day.
Limitations: You must deposit $50 to open this account. Additional deposits may be made at any time. Accounts
with balances below $0.01 for 90 days will be closed.
**Please review our Fee Schedule provided with this disclosure for the fees that can be associated with this account. **