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Online bank statements are electronic versions of your paper statements you receive in the mail. Electronic statements are available at no cost, without the delay of waiting for them to arrive. Whether you normally bank online or in branch, viewing your statements electronically is more convenient and better protects your personal information from theft.

Get Started with eStatements Today

  1. To enroll in eStatements, sign in to online banking using our website
  2. Select the eStatements tab on the top of the page
  3. Select View eDocuments for the account you would like to enroll in eStatements
  4. A new page will open; view a statement for that account
  5. You will be provided with our Terms and Conditions, and will be prompted to enter the code found on the Terms and Conditions
  6. That account is now enrolled in eStatements, You will need to view a statement for each account you wish to enroll
  7. You will no longer receive paper statements once enrolled

Features of Online Bank Statements

  • Once your eStatement is ready, an email will be sent to your email address on file to notify you
  • View your eStatements securely at any time
  • Once enrolled on the website you may access eStatements on our App as well

Benefits of Online Bank Statements

  • Reduce the risk of identity theft from lost, stolen, or misdirected mail since your bank statements will only exist online
  • You will be able to access your statement online and download or save to your computer, reducing clutter
  • Immediate access, no more waiting for the statement to come in the mail