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Student Loans 101


Student Loans 101

College is over and your student loan repayments are finally becoming a reality. For many who are straight out of school and unemployed, this is an intimidating situation – but it doesn't have to be.

As you begin preparing to make your first repayments on those student loans that have been a mere thought until now, keep these 'Student Loans 101' tips and considerations in mind to ease your worries and start off on the right track toward repaying your debts.

Student Loan Tips

  1. Make your student loans manageable. Today there are numerous ways that you can consolidate your student loan debt. While it's important to pay off as much as you can in order to reduce the amount of interest you pay as well as the time required to pay off your loan, many services aid you in determining the lowest monthly payment amount that works for you.
  2. Student loans can affect your credit. Just like any other type of debt, student loans affect your credit score, which means how you handle the responsibility of paying them off in a timely fashion largely determines your credit and eligibility for future loans. If you're struggling to pay your student loans, don't default on them – reach out and ask for help early.
  3. Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you're worried about making your payments on time, don't be afraid to ask for help and notify your lender immediately if you foresee a problem. There are numerous ways to lower your monthly payments and you may even be eligible to defer your loans for a short period of time.
  4. Budget and stay organized. Plan ahead and create a budget for your student loans. Before you even start making repayments, strive to set aside money specifically allocated to your student loans and be sure to keep all loan paperwork organized and accessible.

The responsibilities surrounding student loans are numerous – but that doesn't mean they need to create added stress in your life.

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