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Last Minute Holiday Shopping: What Not To Do

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Last Minute Holiday Shopping: What Not To Do

If you’re like the majority of Americans, you probably haven’t finished your holiday shopping yet – maybe you haven’t even started. If that’s the case, we’ve got a few last-minute holiday shopping ‘don’ts’ to keep in mind as you wrap things up... no pun intended.

Last-Minute Holiday Shopping Tips

1. Don’t forget about your already-existing debt.

Spreading good cheer with gift giving is always fun. However, as you tackle your holiday shopping list it’s important to keep your existing debt top of mind to avoid adding significantly to it. When your credit card bill comes in January, you’ll be happy you did. 

2. Don’t max out your credit cards on last-minute purchases.

As you complete your holiday shopping, strive to keep your credit card spending to a minimum and avoid maxing out any of your credit cards on last-minute purchases. This can increase your credit utilization rate and negatively impact your credit score.

3. Don’t forget to ‘edit’ your cart before checking out.

We’ve all been there – you’re in the checkout line waiting with your cart and you’re second-guessing your purchases. If there’s any time to take this as a sign to ‘edit’ your cart, it’s during the holidays. Don’t be afraid to hand unwanted items to cashiers!

4. Don’t think that more presents equal a happier holiday.

This one should be obvious, but sometimes the true meaning of the holidays can get lost in the mix. Always remember, the best gifts are those that come from the heart – and sometimes, they don’t require any price tag at all!

As you finish your holiday shopping, I hope these last-minute don’ts prove useful in saving you money and future financial headaches. If you’re interested in other tips, stop by your local NCSB branch. Happy holidays!

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