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In Debt Over Your Head? 5 Steps to Help You Rise Above

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Debt Management

In Debt Over Your Head? 5 Steps to Help You Rise Above

If debt is a constant and worrying presence in your life, what measures are you taking to change your current financial situation? If nothing is your answer, you might want to consider these five easy steps to start alleviating the stress that debt can create in your life. 

  • Evaluate Where You Are Now – Don't put off dealing with debts. Instead, take a moment to assess your current financial state - grab a pen and paper, your current bills, and take stock of your situation. Stop worrying about how much you owe and start keeping track of how you can improve for the future.
  • Stop Spending More Than You Earn – Take a look at your expenses. If you're spending more money than you make, you are automatically compromising your financial situation. It's time to make a change in your financial game plan – and that includes putting down the credit card and refraining from unnecessary expenditures.
  • Start Paying Off Your Debts – Once you understand your current financial state and have reigned in your spending, start setting aside a portion of your income to pay off your debts. Even the smallest amount can alleviate the pressure. When possible, try to pay off your debts with the highest interest rates – such as credit cards – first.
  • Start Saving... Now – Do you know when the best time to start saving is? Now. The answer to this question is always now. If you consistently add a small percentage of your income to your savings account, little by little, your savings will accumulate in a big way.
  • Pay Down that Mortgage – As stated previously, start with the highest interest debts and save the lower interest rate debts, such as your mortgage, for later. But when you can, send a few extra dollars each month with your mortgage payment. You will be pleasantly surprised to see how much the additional money decreases the amount of time it will ultimately take to pay it off.

In over your head with debt? These five steps can help you get back on the track toward financial freedom.

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